Wood Preservation

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Wood Preservation

Category (7): Texas Department of Agriculture

Wood Preservation pest control involves the addition of preservatives to wood to extend the life of wood products by protecting them from damage caused by insect damage, fungi, decay fungi, and marine borers.  Such wood products includes, but not be limited to, wooden crossties, wooden poles, and wooden posts.  This includes the retreatment of power-line poles with wood preservation pesticide including fumigants. 

Generally speaking, the unique characteristics and the relative abundance of wood have made it one of mankind’s most valuable and useful natural resources.   There are thousands of products that we take for granted that come from solid wood, wood pulp and chemicals derived from wood.  Wood is a renewable resource because no other building material including steel, aluminum, brick, concrete, plastic, glass, and ceramic can be regenerated as can trees.  And, perhaps most importantly,  trees provide wildlife habitat and recreational areas while they grow. 

Several kinds of insects attack the wood of living trees, logs, lumber, wooden decks, floors, wooden patios, wooden support beams, and other wood related products.  Insects that attack lumber and wood products are of particular significance because much of their damage can be prevented with proper wood treatment.   From an economic standpoint, insects that attach wood is important because the cost involved in repairing or replacing damaged wood products can be expensive.  Some insects use wood as a source of food, while other insects use wood primarily for shelter.  In pest control terms, there are at least five different insects that attack and destroy wood and wood products.  These five insects include: (1) subterranean termites, (2) dry-wood termites, (3) wood-boring beetles, (4) carpenter ants, and (5) carpenter bees.  Purple Bug offers several wood protection services depending on the circumstances. 

Wooden Deck Protection

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Many home and business owners spend significant dollars on the design and construction of beautiful wooden decks, which in the long-run have no value if the wood is not properly preserved and treated.   Sadly, people invest precious time and financial resources building their dream deck and then see it deteriorate from neglect and attacks from fungus, and insects in just a few years.  Purple Bug has trained and certified technicians that can property protect and highlight  your wood deck’s beauty.  Our technicians will examine your deck investment, recommend the most cost effective treatment to protect your deck caused by sunlight, inclement weather, fungus, moisture, and insects like termites and powder post beetles.  Our wooden deck restoration and customer care services include, but not limited to, low pressure cleaning, sanding, staining, stripping, and sealing           

Other Wood Preservation Projects

Our technicians are also trained to assist architects and builders as well as homeowners and farmers with special wood preservation projects including landscaping, fencing, gates, pole barns, roofing, siding, decking, lattice walls, and other similar projects.   We follow all state and federal laws, codes, and standards set forth by various US agencies including quality standards governed by the American Wood Preservers Bureau.   





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